It was super exciting for us to host Warren County's first-ever student vote summit on Sunday, September 29th! This was the first time MasonVotes was joined by such a diverse range of changemakers from all walks of life. From high school students to community leaders to public officials in government, together, we tackled low youth civic engagement and brainstormed innovative and novel solutions!
Here are some highlights from the event:
Opening Ceremony: Guest Speaker Adam Mathews from the Ohio House of Representatives gave opening remarks on his role as a public official and the importance of youth civic engagement
Poster Walk: Groups circulated around the round table and brainstormed answers to open-ended civic questions (e.g. What does equitable civic engagement mean to you?)
Small Group Discussions: In small groups, youth and adults discussed brainstormed innovative initiatives to tackle barriers in youth civic engagement, using previous successful and unsuccessful events as a guide.
Strategic Action Plans: Picking a couple of ideas from their brainstorming session, groups concretely drafted fleshed out action plans to carry out their initiatives (timeline, materials, funds, etc.). Some actions plans include but are not limited to: inclusive school voter registration drives, policy incubator programs, co-youth goverance models, and more!
Closing Ceremony: Guest Speaker Ian Orr from the Mason City School Board closed the event with his touching journey in civic engagement and running for school board.
Personally, one of my favorite moments that Sunday was talking with my small group about launching a partnership with the Mason City Schools and local government offices to bring first-hand civic information to the students. We not only drafted strategic action plans but also explored the nuances of government structure. I learned so much about the innerworkings of local government that day, like how townships and cities are not the same thing!
These ideas won't die at the forum. MasonVotes will be hard at work to transform these futuristic initiatives into reality! Be on the look out as we launch more exciting events!